Belaseshe: In the Autumn of My Life

The secret in Belaseshe

How can you define the relationship between a husband and a wife? So to speak, a husband and wife's relationship is one of the most critical relationships in someone's life. This is because a husband and wife are two people who are committed to spending the rest of their lives together. They have made a vow to love and cherish each other, for better or for worse. A husband and wife share everything. They have an intimate relationship where they can talk about anything and everything. However, in the movie "Belaseshe," Biswanath Majumder says, "The relationship between the publisher and writer is similar to a husband and wife. The writer stays inside, and the publisher stays outside. You are the writer of my life, Arati." The preceding lines quoted by Biswanath Majumder hold a secret that is revealed towards the end. Throughout this movie, we will find out what it means to have such an understanding from Biswanath Majumder.

Brief summary of Belaseshe

"Belaseshe" is a story about a couple on the verge of celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Suddenly, the husband, Biswanath Majumder, files a case about getting divorced from his wife, Arati Majumder, for an unknown reason. The movie's story revolves around the separations and adds other characters to the movie with the flow of the story. Keeping the issues of a couple at the forefront, the movie silently tells us about the internal problems of couples of every generation. It draws a happy conclusion by sorting out all the problems.

Release and achievements of Belaseshe

The movie "Belaseshe" was directed by two versatile directors, Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee. This movie was released on May 1st, 2015. It was a super hit and ran for 250 days in a single theater. This movie had 217 days in multiplexes, which no other movie ever had. The box office collection of the movie was 2.3 crores. The movie's most outstanding achievement is that it is included in the post-graduate diploma in counseling course of the Legal Aid Services of West Bengal. Additionally, this movie has achieved some awards, such as the best Bangla movie at the ZEE Cine Awards 2016. The movie was also selected at the International Film Festival of South Asia in 2016 in Canada.

belasheshe movie review


IMDb: ★ 8.5/10

Digest Knowledge: ★★★★☆ 4/5

The cast of Belaseshe

  1. Soumitra Chatterjee as Biswanath Majumdar, husband of Arati Majumder

  2. Swatilekha Sengupta as Aarti Majumdar, wife of Biswanath Majumder

  3. Aparajita Auddy as Kaberi/Buri, eldest daughter of Biswanath and Arati

  4. Kharaj Mukherjee as Jyotirmay, husband of Kaberi

  5. Rituparna Sengupta as Malashree/Mili, second daughter of Biswanath and Arati

  6. Sujoy Prasad Chatterjee as Bijon, husband of Malashree

  7. Monami Ghosh as Piu, youngest daughter of Biswanath and Arati

  8. Anindya Chatterjee as Palash, Piu's husband of Piu

  9. Shankar Chakraborty as Barin, the only son of Biswanath and Arati

  10. Indrani Dutta as Sarmistha, wife of Barin Majumder

There are also some minor characters, such as Sohini Sengupta as the neighbor, Barun Chandra as the judge, Sohag Sen as Arati's lawyer, the writer's wife, and the children.

The plot of Belaseshe

Biswanath Majumder is the owner of a publishing house. He has been happily married to Arati Majumder for 49 years and is blessed with three daughters and an only son. Everything was fine until the widowed wife of a writer came to Biswanath Majumder for help. Her husband was a writer and had a good reputation. After his sudden death, she was in a deep ocean of problems. She knew neither the bank details nor any investment of her husband. That is why she was in trouble only because of her ignorance about her husband's activities. This incident shook Biswanath from the inside out. He visualizes his wife, Arati, in the same condition as the writer's wife. So, he decided to see his wife as independent, and he thought it would not be possible due to his presence in Arati's life. Then, he decided to get a divorce from his wife. On the final day of Durga Puja (Dashami), Biswanath called the family and shared his decision about the divorce. It is obvious that Biswanath's intention was good. He thought of his wife's future in his absence and decided. The court's judge suggested they go on a trip for 15 days and finalize the decision afterward. Though the trip helped them find many unexpressed feelings among themselves as well as the other couples, Biswanath and Arati finally got separated after the 15-day trip.

Then, the story jumps to four months later. During this period of four months, Arati learned to go to the bank. Nevertheless, Biswanath could not overcome the habit of having Arati in his life. Though it seems like Biswanath failed and Arati won the situation in plain sight, there is something else going on in reality. Arati wanted to be self-sufficient, and finally, Arati became self-sufficient. Arati wanted Biswanath to come back at any cost, and Biswanath came back. Here, the story does not talk about personal wins or losses. It talks about the relationship's win and the partners' mutual win.

Belasheshe movie scene

Belaseshe: A movie about love

"May God take you away before me. Because I can live without you, but you cannot live without me," Arati says to Biswanath at the end of the movie "Belasheshe." She does not want her husband to suffer from loneliness. Instead, she wishes to suffer that. Maybe those lines are cruel, but the hidden love of Arati for her husband underneath these lines is intense. The movie shows that love has no particular definition. Every person has his or her way of loving. There will always be ups and downs in a relationship. Partners must be helpful to themselves and try to understand each other's perspectives.

What I liked about Belaseshe

Belaseshe is a simple movie that did not come with a considerable budget or a super suspenseful story. It tells a story that is not common in our society, but people think about it frequently. Belaseshe narrated the inner story and showed the probable consequences. I liked its simple and realistic screenplay throughout the movie. The relevant and heart-melting songs further increased the attraction of the movie. A song from this movie, “Ovabe Keno” by Anupom Roy, was a super hit. The characters were so lively and well-directed, and there is nothing to complain about the cinematography. The movie silently tried to figure out some common problems among the couples and showed ways to sort them out.

Takeaways from Belaseshe

Belaseshe is a movie that pushes us to rethink the life we are leading and the relationships we have. This movie teaches us to think about others' perspectives. What we do for the betterment of others may not be the right thing to do for that person. When we try to help someone, the first thing we need to do is understand their perspective. "Belaseshe" has no visible villain. The human mind and its thoughts about relationships are the villains here. This movie teaches us the significance of relationships and how to maintain healthy relationships in life.

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun was born and raised in Sirajganj, Bangladesh. He is currently a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Brac University. He enjoys reading books and watching movies in his spare time. Writing is his passion, and he believes writing is the best way to express oneself. The writer finds every moment as a gift and appreciates enjoying life even in times of difficulty.


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