Extinction of the Humble Tortoises

Tortoise: The most extinct animal

The tortoise is one of the most phenomenal animals on the planet. It is a reptile animal that belongs to a family called Testudinidae. Tortoises are unique reptile species as they can live on land and in water for an extended period of time. Their isolated body shape makes them more attractive. However, it is unfortunate that due to global warming, climate change, pollution, and habitat loss, tortoises are now one of the most extinct animals on Earth.

Tortoise entangled in net

Over 225 species of turtle

It is known to all that all tortoises are, in fact, turtles. There are almost 225 species of turtles worldwide. It is considered that turtles are one of the oldest living creatures in the world. They can live up to 150 years on average. Another fact is that tortoises are the slowest species, with an average speed of 0.25 km/h. The structure of their outer shell is unique. It is connected to the inner bones of its body. The shell is solid and durable, allowing it to withstand any external attack. When predators attack them, they hide inside their shells. Tortoises have no teeth but use their beaks to eat.

All turtles are not tortoises.

Moreover, they have no ears but two holes on both sides, which help them hear their surroundings. They have four legs and a long neck for moving in and out. It is believed that all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. The main difference is that tortoises have round shells, whereas turtles have thinner, more water-dynamic shells. Aside from that, their diets are dominated by plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Why are turtles disappearing?

Tortoises mature slowly, which is why their ancestors lived for millions of years. It is a matter of fact that the modern interface can be a big issue for them. Loss of habitat is the most important cause of extinction. Only a small number of turtles make it to adulthood. Moreover, deforestation is another significant cause of this tragic situation. There is not enough security in the environment to allow tortoises to lay eggs since they can only do so on land.

Tortoise trafficking threatens their existence.

Furthermore, sea pollution is another threat to the number of tortoises in the underwater realm, reducing their population. Any plastic or sharp objects become hooked on the tortoise's head and body. As a result, it ends up injuring them. On the other hand, nowadays, tortoise trafficking is increasing rapidly. Many people pay a significant price to pet this animal, but it is illegal in almost every country to pet a tortoise at home. Seeing people share footage of tortoises in cages in their homes is interesting. Nonetheless, it poses a threat to their existence.

Tortoises trafficking's

Tortoises: Why we must protect them.

Turtles are stupendous animals. Their extinction can cause harm to the ecosystem, which can put the whole world in danger. An extinction or the removal of a female turtle can collapse its population because it might have laid thousands of eggs during its lifetime. To prevent the extinction of this species, it is our responsibility to raise awareness among the public and create a habitat for it.

Ahasan Rajvi Tanvir

Ahasan Rajvi Tanvir is a Brac University student who expresses his thoughts through his writing beautifully. The writer loves to read and travel. Ahasan has been writing since he was a child and continues to write as an adult. Ahasan's writing revolves around the extinct creatures that once roamed our planet. His writing is both educational and inspiring in this quest for environmental awareness. He hopes it can help people better care about what is left today so we do not regret tomorrow.


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