Megamind: The Most Brilliant Supervillain

Megamind movie review

The Gist of Megamind

“Megamind” is a 3D animated movie about a supervillain named Megamind. He is an alien from the Glaupunk Quadrant. A black hole destroyed his home planet eight days after he was born. Megamind was evacuated to Earth by his parents in an escape pod alongside his guardian, Minion, before the planet was destroyed. Megamind and Minion are now the only ones left on their planet. He is the last of his race’s survivors. On the way to Earth, he met an infant, “Mr. Goody Two Shoes,” who was transported to a nearby planet in a better-quality escape pod. Mr. Goody Two Shoes later became a superhero known as “Metro Man,” and he blew a raspberry at Megamind, and this is how the “glorious rivalry” between Megamind and Metro Man was formed. In addition, Metro Man is the last member of his species, likewise Megamind and Minion. Metro Man’s pod contacts Megamind’s escape pod during this journey. Metro Man delicately lands in a wealthy family house under a Christmas tree.

Megamind, on the other hand, crashes in the Metro City Prison. Megamind was forced to grow up among criminals. They encouraged him to believe that cops are bad guys and prisoners are the good guys. At one point in his childhood, he was permitted to go to a school, where he again met Metro Man. Due to his destructive mind, Megamind became the most hated student among them. He was very jealous of all the attention and appreciation the younger Metro Man got. Megamind kidnaps a news reporter, Roxanne Ritchi, and uses her as bait to bring Metro Man into the city observatory, where Megamind plans to murder him with a death ray. Megamind is now thrilled that he has defeated his enemy, Metro Man. After that incident, he fulfills his forbidden fantasies, taking over the town and looting everything. However, we all know that a bullfighter without a bullfight makes a bullfighter depressed. Later, Megamind quickly becomes unhappy since his life as a supervillain has no meaning without someone to fight.

The film tells the story of Megamind, a brilliant alien supervillain who becomes depressed after defeating his nemesis, Metro Man. While destroying the Metro Man Museum, Megamind meets a museum curator named Bernard, and to avoid Roxanne, Megamind disguises himself as him (Bernard). Roxanne unintentionally inspires him to build a new superhero to battle, which he achieves with a serum containing Metro Man’s DNA. Megamind created a syringe pistol that mistakenly discharged the serum, injecting Roxanne’s cameraman, Hal Stewart. Megamind tricked Hal into becoming a superhero called Titan and gave him training under the pretext of being his “space dad,” but Hal eventually turns into a villain. At the same time, while acting as Bernard, he falls in love with Roxanne and begins dating her. Megamind begins to have second thoughts about being a villain after falling in love with Roxanne. After knowing that Hal had turned into a villain, Roxanne and Megamind went to Metro Man’s place for clues to defeat Hal. To their surprise, they discover that Metro Man is alive.

At last, they found out why Metro Man faked his death. Metro Man wants a regular life with his own choice and does not want to come back to save the city. So, Megamind decided to fight with Hal as a hero, not a villain. With the help of his genius-level intellect, he won the fight against Hal by defusing that serum using a diffuser gun. Megamind is welcomed as Metro City’s new defender, while Hal is placed in Megamind’s previous jail cell. Megamind believes that his new status as the hero and Roxanne’s boyfriend is perfect for him. In the end, he gets quietly congratulated by a disguised Metro Man.


IMDb: ★ 7.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅72% 🍿72%

Digest Knowledge: ★★★★★ 3/5

Character Analysis of Megamind


  • A former supervillain who is now the protector of Metro City

  • Genius level intellect

  • Only good at being bad

Metro Man

  • Tall, very muscular, has black hair with grey sideburns, and light blue eyes.

  • Brave and determined

  • Has the power of heat vision, x-ray vision, super durability, flight, super strength, night vision, and super speed


  • A beautiful lady with large blue eyes and short pixie-cut brown hair which is of medium height

  • News reporter at KMPC NEWS

  • She has excellent investigative abilities as she is a reporter.

Hal Stewart

  • Short and overweight with short red hair and brown eyes

  • Cameraman of Roxanne

  • Immature, childish and self-delusional

  • Gained Metro Man’s ability and powers after unintentionally taking Metro Man’s DNA though Megamind later took it away in their final fight


  • A fish-like alien with large pale brown eyes and keen teeth who resembles a piranha

  • Used to stay in a spherical fish tank until Megamind created a gorilla-like robot outfit for him

  • Megamind’s caretaker and best friend

  • Polite, caring, loyal, and sometimes can be a little overdramatic.


  • Slightly taller than Roxanne, has messy brown hair and brown eyes, and wears thin glasses.

  • A museum curator

  • He seems to be the kind of guy who is always unimpressed, bored, serious, and monotone.

Megamind movie Quote

What I Liked Most about Megamind

In my view, the most liked part of the story is when it is revealed that Metro Man did not die because of Megamind. He just wanted to get rid of his duty, so he faked his death and left quietly in a different place that no one knew existed.

What I Disliked Most about Megamind      

In my opinion, I did not like the way the villain’s character develops in the movie. They could have made Metro Man the villain in disguise after faking his death, which could have made the story much more enjoyable.

Megamind: Learn the Importance of Being Good

Megamind is worth recommending to viewers of every age group, particularly kids and teenagers, because it shows the importance of being a good-hearted person in society. First, it sends a clear message that anyone can devote themselves to a good cause even if they are wrong. The movie teaches us that the good always wins over the bad. Moreover, it motivates anyone to become a better person in life for themselves and society in general. Hence, I would recommend this movie to everyone, regardless of age.

Film Credit


Directed by: Tom McGrath

Written by: Alan J. Schoolcraft, Brent Simons, Noah Baumbach

Produced by: Lara Breay, Denise Nolan Cascino

Executive Producer: Stuart Cornfeld, Ben Stiller


  • Will Ferrell as Megamind

  • Tina Fey as Roxanne Ritchie

  • Jonah Hill as Minion

  • David Cross as Tighten

  • Brad Pitt as Metro Man

Music by: Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe

Edited by: James Ryan

Production Design by: David James

Visual Effect: Kenny Smith

Release Date: November 5, 2010

Box Office: $332 million

Md. Nibir Hossain

Md. Nibir Hossain is currently studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Brac University in Bangladesh. He is from Dhaka and has a lot of interest in listening to music, driving a car, traveling, and cooking. The writer hates to give up on life.


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