A Disney Animation Movie: Up

Up movie review

Summary of UP

“Up” is an adventurous animated family movie written by Pete Docter. The story is based on an old widower who went on an adventure in his flying house in search of Paradise Falls, which was his and his wife’s dream destination. Carl Fredricksen (an old widower) and his wife (Ellie Fredricksen) wanted to explore South America and find the forbidden Paradise Falls when they were young. However, for some reason, they could not go to Paradise Falls. After Elli’s death, when Carl Fredricksen was 78 years old, he began his journey with Boy Scout Russell by lifting his house with thousands of balloons. They made many new friends on their journey, including a talking dog. They also discovered that someone has evil plans to kill a particular bird. Carl soon realized that the evildoer was his childhood idol, Charles Muntz, so to ruin his evil plan, he interrupted Charles Muntz. After completing his mission, he came back to his place.


IMDb: ★ 8.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅98% 🍿90%

Digest Knowledge: ★★★★★ 5/5

The Cast of UP

Main Characters of UP

  • Carl Fredricksen: He was a handsome old balloon seller who was financially solvent and kind to everyone.

  • Russell: He was a healthy young boy who was obtrusive. He was a boy scout also.

Minor Characters of UP

  • Ellie Fredricksen: Ellie was a very beautiful and intelligent woman.

  • Charls Muntaz: He was an evil character who was physically very strong.

  • Talking dog: It was very friendly and funny.

The Most Favourite Part of UP

When it comes to the most liked part of the Disney animation movie “Up,” many people would agree that it is the relationship between Carl and Ellie Fredricksen. From a young age, these two kindred spirits were drawn to one another, spending their childhood years growing closer and closer. They continued to enjoy each other’s company, developing deep mutual respect as adults. They remained deeply committed to each other’s happiness through thick and thin, always putting their partner first. Their bond was unparalleled, making them some of the most relatable characters in Disney animation history. Their love story has touched the hearts of countless viewers around the world, making it undoubtedly one of the most memorable parts of “Up.”

Up movie quote

The Worst Part of UP

The most disliked part of the story is Charles Muntz’s evil plan. Charles Muntz was the idol of Carl Fredricksen and Elli Fredricksen. They always wanted to be like him. In front of the public, Charles Muntz was a very good person, but in reality, he was not. Carl Fredricksen was inspired to go to Paradise Falls by Charles Muntz. On the way to Paradise Falls, Carl Fredrickson met with Muntz. After that, Carl Fredricksen learned about Charles Muntz’s evil intentions, so he interrupted him. Due to the incident, Carl Fredricksen became very upset.

Up - A Disney Classic

“Up” is simply one of the best movies by Disney animation in recent years. The film tells the story of Carl, a grumpy older man who lives a life of quiet solitude amidst his cherished collection of ghosts from his past. When he learns that he will be forced to move into an assisted-living facility, Carl decides to take his house on an adventure across the country through hundreds of helium balloons tied to his beloved home. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with Ellie, a brave and lively young woman who shares his passion for adventure.

Through their extraordinary journey, this dynamic duo shows us how two people can support and love each other regardless of any difficulties they may face or hardships they may endure. With its exciting story, touching romance, and vibrant characters, “Up” truly exemplifies the phrase “love conquers all.” Whether watching it during a fun family movie night or crying over it after a breakup, this film will always bring you joy and make you believe in true love. So if you are looking for an inspiring story full of adventure and romance that culminates in ultimate happiness, look no further than “Up”—a great Disney animated movie!

Film Credit

up movie end credits
Sakibul Ahsan Teham

The writer is a first-year Brac University student with a growth mindset. He believes deeply that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort.


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