Suicide: A Devastating Social Issue

Why is suicide so prevalent?

Suicide, surprising and unfortunately, has become a buzzword in our short existence. There is hardly a week where recurrent occurrences of suicide are not heard. However, why is a sudden surge in cases of suicide seen throughout our society? Why are successful, educated teenagers and even older people attempting this way to die? Some people believe it is linked to a hidden murder cycle or that those who commit it have lost all hope.

Nevertheless, is it true in the first place? What is the genuine reason? There are hardly any people who dig deep into it to solve these unresolved questions. The answer might be quite difficult to find because everyone has their perception of it.

The current situation of suicide

We live in a modern era where everything is accessible with the click of a single button. The world is gradually advancing so rapidly that it becomes strenuous to survive if anyone cannot pick up the pace. Therefore, there is a thin line between healthy and detrimental growth in human beings, where many can fall prey if they are not compos mentis enough to know what is good for them. This can often lead to pernicious consequences for their well-being. To illustrate, in the 21st century, consumerism has taken over almost every individual so much that people have started valuing materialistic objects more than emotions and sentiments. As a result, when they do not get what they desire, they feel dejected and often take drastic measures like suicide.

It has been noticed that most people who suffer from depression belong to affluent families, where they get everything they want but remain unhappy. The main reason behind this facade is that they have never learned to live in scarcity and appreciate their stuff. They always run after something without being satisfied, further aggravating the problem. Hence, it is essential to understand that consumerism is not the key to happiness and that one should learn to be content with what they have. Only then will the number of suicides start to decrease.

Depression is a reality that often leads to suicide.

If depression were not a severe mental illness, there would not be many doctors to diagnose it clinically. Again, how many patients would recover from it if a fair number of doctors were involved? It can be portrayed as a modern-day drug addiction. The longer someone suffers from depression, the harder it becomes to break free from its grip. Awareness of depression is inevitable, as it often paves the way for suicide. While many people believe that rehab centers can be helpful for those suffering from depression, the reality is that these centers can only do so much. The root cause of depression must be addressed for any real progress to be made, and even then, there is no guarantee that the person will be cured. In addition, rehab centers are costly, and the success rate is often relatively low. As a result, it is essential to weigh all the potential risks and benefits before deciding to enter a rehab center.

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The reasons for suicide

One key reason is adopting a lifestyle that is detrimental and indisciplined. When people consume more than they need regularly, it can lead to them behaving like narcissists or anti-social beings. This materialistic or idealistic consumption can also result in loneliness, negligence towards social relations, the degradation of moral values, and not having an impact on developing an ideal family. Due to these traits, everybody likes to distance themselves from such people and ends up with suicidal thoughts.

While the reasons for suicide are never singular, it is found that those who live a solitary lifestyle are at an increased risk. Individuals who live alone often struggle with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. In addition, they may not have anyone to turn to in times of crisis or when feeling overwhelmed. While there is no guarantee that someone with a solitary lifestyle will experience suicidal thoughts, it is important to be aware of the increased risk.

Another prominent reason for suicide is round-the-clock browbeating and torture from society and family. These cases are seen habitually, and such incidents of torment become intolerable to an extent. A person is bound to feel inferior when living with other people's superiority complex. Due to an inimical and confrontational environment, the person feels like they are in a rigid cage and generally finds it arduous to dwell.

Suicide prevention

We all know prevention is better than cure, but we rarely act upon it. Just like that, we assume mental illness can be cured merely by consuming another bottle or packet of pills and antibiotics. However, people barely do anything when it comes to their mental health. As a result, they fall into a dilemma about what to do if a problem arises. Some unlawful, dishonest people think that if they start to talk about prevention and make people aware, there will be red flags in their business.

Reasons of suicide - depression issues

Prevent suicide with social connectedness.

Suicide is a significant problem that should be addressed more effectively. Suicide rates have been increasing alarmingly in recent years, and it is now one of the leading causes of death in many countries. Many factors contribute to suicide, but one of the most important is losing connection with others. This can be caused by isolation, loneliness, or feeling like you do not belong. One way to help reduce suicide rates is to encourage people to connect with others and build strong relationships. This can be done in many ways, such as by volunteering, joining community groups, or spending time with family and friends. When people feel connected to others, they are less likely to feel suicidal. Therefore, it is essential to promote social connectivity to reduce suicide rates worldwide.

Suicide: A silent killer

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of individuals becoming increasingly isolated and disconnected. This is primarily due to the rise of consumer technology and how it has become so intrusive in our lives. We are constantly being pulled away from the things that are important to us and drawn into an artificial and empty world. As a result, people are more depressed, lonely, and unhappy with their lives. The human mind is not designed to cope with such isolation, so people turn to drugs, alcohol, and painkillers to numb the senses. Still, not only drug overdose deaths but also suicide rates have been climbing year after year. Therefore, the aftermath of people not being aware of suicide will result in more loss of life, and it will not cease to exist.

Abu Talha Md Mahi

Abu Talha Md. Mahi is an Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) undergraduate student at Brac University in Bangladesh. He is a keen experimenter and loves to assist those in need. His interests include reading, watching movies, and writing. He considers writing one of the most effective methods to express himself, and he is grateful for his life. Abu Talha wants to contribute to the greater good in whatever way possible.


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