Inexplicable Occurrences in My Apartment

The two occurrences I am about to describe happened quite some time ago. I should also mention that I am not a massive believer in paranormal incidents. I have become more skeptical of these claims as I have gotten older. As a result, I do not leap to the conclusion that everything is paranormal. I look for alternative explanations. However, I have not been able to come up with a logical or suitable explanation for these two incidents.

So, let us get to the experience. These occurrences occurred at my present apartment, where I have been living with my family for the past 12 years. Everything was OK for a month. Most things are simple to dismiss, justify, or forget. However, these two events make me nervous.

The first occurred in December, on a Sunday night. I will have to explain the lighting issue in my room. In my room, I have two kinds of lights. The first is my leading light, and the second is my night light. I do not particularly appreciate sleeping in the dark. Therefore, the night light helps. It remains on throughout the night while the leading light remains off. I also remember waking up at about midnight to sip water and use the restroom.

This past Sunday night, I went to bed at midnight, as usual, and woke up around 3 a.m. to use the restroom and grab a drink of water. I got up, turned on my main lights, and started my business. I returned, drank some water, made myself comfortable, shut my door, turned out the main light, and went back to sleep. The night light was the only light that stayed on. I recall this because it took me a few moments to fall asleep. When I got up in the morning, I had the impression that something was wrong. Then I noticed the main light, which I had turned off, was still turned on. It perplexed me. I thought I had turned it off, but it was still turned on. I tried to justify it by saying, "Perhaps I forgot, but I remember shutting my door and turning out the main light." I rationalized that perhaps I was sleepwalking. The trouble is that I have never sleepwalked before, not even as a child. I have reached the age of maturity. I have no medical problems. I chose to let it go, as perplexed as I was. It is pointless for me to waste my time on it.

Then, something else happened on Tuesday, a few days after the first incident. To put it in perspective, this house is not old. It is still in its infancy. It is not collapsing. If that were the case, we would not move in.

I was home alone on Tuesday. I was getting ready for my courses after making myself some food and washing the dishes. I washed the dish. I turned off the water and went to wait for my classes to begin. After a while, I heard flowing water. I was perplexed and tried to ignore it, but I could not. So I went to investigate. The tap was running in the kitchen, the faucets on both sides were fully turned on, the water was pouring, and the floor was completely soaked. The tap, albeit a little worn, is not rusted and falling apart. It is acceptable. The plumbing is also in good working order. That tap had never done that before, and it has not since.

What is more perplexing is that the floor was so soaked that I assumed the water had overflowed and poured from the sink. The sink, on the other hand, was not fully functional. There was almost no water accumulating at the bottom of the sink. The cabinets below were also completely dry. They were, indeed, parched.

On the other hand, the floor appeared to have a bucket of water thrown on it. The sink is large enough to catch the water. The water does not run to the floor. Even if it did, I am sure the cabinets would be a bit damp, but as I previously stated, they were scorched. I rationalized that it could have been a malfunctioning tap or that I had forgotten to turn it off. I cleaned up the mess and tried to forget about it.

I am coming to terms with it as time passes, but I want to stop it before it gets any worse. This could be the first physical exercise. After the first month of living in this flat, I began suffering nightmares and experiencing sleep paralysis virtually regularly. I only had one when I was in my early teens and opted to see a horror film that I was unprepared for. Moreover, I only had nightmares when watching horror movies or when I was sick—nothing alarming, just childish nonsense.

Most of the time, my nightmares are unsettling. Anyone who shares a room with me will experience sleep paralysis at least once during their stay. Even so, my life is routine. Only when I have tasks and assignments to complete, do I feel tense.

Eleen Shibib

Eleen Shibib was born in 2002 and spent his childhood in Dhaka with his parents and siblings. In addition to writing, he enjoys cooking, sketching, and photography. He loves visiting new places to get ideas for his writing. His first published article, "Inexplicable Occurrences in My Apartment," is based on actual events he experienced. He is currently a student at Brac University.


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