Should You Be a Jack of All Trades or a Master of One?

Have you ever heard the saying “Jack of all trades, master of none”? Do you wonder if it is meant as an insult or a compliment? The full quote goes like this: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often better than a master of one.” Back in the day, this saying was actually used to compliment someone who was dedicated to learn as many skills as possible. But over time, opinions have changed. Nowadays, you might hear people using the first part of this phrase in a negative way. So now we have to ask ourselves: should we see this saying as an insult or a compliment? In today’s world, should people focus on becoming experts in one field or should they try to learn a little bit about everything?

The perks of being a master of one

A master of one is someone who specialises in a single field. It is often recommended that one should focus on one field instead of trying to do a little bit of everything. Focusing on one field might help one gain expertise and get jobs based on that specialisation. Striving for excellence often results in individuals becoming specialists. The profession of a doctor serves as a prominent example of a career that necessitates specialisation.

There are indeed many advantages to being a master of one. It helps one acquire extreme knowledge in one field. Furthermore, when specialists in different fields collaborate, innovations happen. For example, the COVID vaccine was only possible because various specialists cooperated. 

An example of a role model who was a master of one

John Forbes Nash Jr. is a perfect example of an incredible expert to look up to. He was a mathematician who made huge contributions to game theory, differential geometry, real algebraic geometry, and partial differential equation (PDE). He had a great passion for mathematics and dedicated himself entirely to the field. His extensive knowledge of mathematics has had a profound impact on various aspects of human life. His work continues to benefit people in diverse fields, from economic decision-making to scientific advancement. The remarkable achievements of His extensive knowledge of mathematics have proven that if you put all your effort into one thing, you can definitely succeed.

In Japan, there is this cool word called Shokunin. It basically means being an awesome artisan, but it goes way beyond that. Being a Shokunin is all about putting in your best effort to master something and make it perfect. It is like what John Nash did - working super hard towards perfection and making a positive impact on society.

The perks of being a jack of all trades

A “jack of all trades” is someone who knows a wide range of skills or someone who likes to try out a little bit of everything. Trying out everything is great because it helps you to be open-minded and learn quickly. Being a generalist has its perks since you get to learn a bunch and see how different fields are connected. And if you cannot find any connections, that is totally fine too. Having an open mind will help you enjoy whatever you learn, and the lessons will stick with you forever.

A lot of jobs need you to be a jack-of-all-trades, like being your own boss or running a project. These kinds of jobs often involve using all the knowledge you have gained to create something new and exciting.

An example of a role model who was a jack of all trades

Steve Jobs, though not a master of every trade, embodied the “jack of all trades” spirit through his interconnected expertise in technology, design, marketing, and even calligraphy. Steve Jobs was always following his gut and loved to explore anything that caught his interest. In college, he signed up for a calligraphy class because he was inspired by the cool posters he saw around the campus. At the time, he had no idea how this course would benefit him in the future. All he knew was that he had a real passion for learning something different.

Steve Jobs’ learning of calligraphy left an indelible mark on Apple’s design philosophy, etching principles of clean lines, meticulous detail, and user-centric elegance onto every product. From the minimalist beauty of the iPod to the intuitive fonts of the Mac, Jobs’ artistic eye, honed in a calligraphy studio, transformed technology into an art form, forever shaping Apple's pursuit of simplicity and soulful design.

This ability to bridge disciplines and draw connections is the essence of his “jack of all trades” brilliance, making him not a master of none, but a master of fusing diverse knowledge into innovation. In a famous quote, he expresses, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward, but you can only connect them looking backward. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You must trust your gut, destiny, life, karma, or whatever. This approach has never let me down and has made all the difference in my life.”

What should you be?

What should we be in order to succeed in today’s world? Do we need to specialise in one thing or try out a little bit of everything? Well, it actually depends on the person. There are pros and cons to both being a specialist and a generalist. So, it is up to you to decide what path is best for you.


In today’s world, there is an urgent demand for individuals with a broad range of skills and knowledge, emphasising the essential role of generalists. Nowadays, with technology constantly changing, it is important for everyone to to be adaptable. Even if you are focused on becoming an expert in one area, it is still beneficial to delve into other areas, as they could prove valuable in the future. And even if they do not, at least you will be happy knowing that you learned something new. Ultimately, what really matters is feeling genuinely satisfied with what you have learned and the impact you have made on the world.

Diniya Tahrin

Diniya Tahrin is currently enrolled as an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Computer Science at Brac University. She was born in Dhaka in 2001. Diniya has a natural curiosity and enjoys baking, cooking, riding bikes, traveling, swimming, playing badminton, and photography. In her free time, she also likes to volunteer. One non-profit organization she worked with is called Shunbo, where she helped raise awareness about mental health using digital media. Through her volunteer work, Diniya has learned a lot about mental health and has become brave enough to speak up against the stigma surrounding it. Diniya believes that life is all about continuous learning. However, there are times when she feels lazy and just wants to relax by watching classic movies all day. She likes to live by the motto "Carpe diem!" from her all-time favorite movie, The Dead Poets’ Society.


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