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Climate Change: A Catastrophe?

Unwavering thoughts on climate change

Today, I would like to share some of my unwavering thoughts regarding climate change, which have been quite the nuisance to keep me awake night after night. Thus, let us all ask ourselves: Why do we go on vacations on cruises or to beaches? The most common answer would be to enjoy the natural beauty while admiring the beautiful creations surrounding us. However, the placid view we long to see is now replaced by the unpleasant sight of pollutants all over the water bodies, where plastic ranks the highest amongst the contaminants. Nonetheless, logging trees is persistent in many states, mainly to build industries. This action results in more emissions of carbon dioxide production as the industries release vast amounts of flue gas, carbon dioxide being a significant component of it. However, the question that arises is, do we get benefitted? Our economies flourish enormously, and our living standards and infrastructure improve, but what about the harmful toxic gasses produced?

The causes of climate change by humans

While we live lavish lives, careless and ignorant actions gradually destroy our healthy environment. Among the adverse effects, climate change is a significant one. The excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere further increases the greenhouse effect on the earth, thus making the atmosphere warmer. This gradual but ironically rapid change in climates has many adverse effects, mainly the melting of the polar ice caps, which leads to the rise in sea level, thus immensely affecting the lifestyle of the people not only there but also around the whole world. Many countries, such as the Maldives, have flat, low-lying areas. With the rising sea level, low-lying areas are highly likely to be inundated and eventually disappear.

Our mother nature has always been selfless for us. She provides us with both comfort and sustenance for us to remain alive. If it were not for the luscious greeneries, sustaining human life would have been impossible. The discovery of medicines for various diseases would be infeasible due to the absence of rare natural herbs. With time passing like tides, our population worldwide has increased rapidly throughout the years, which undoubtedly creates pressure on nature, resulting in fluctuating life balance. However, instead of trying to preserve and help nature restore its balance, we have potentially become the cause of its deterioration. Our greed for more success encourages us to build networks of buildings resembling spider webs all over the states, resulting in deforestation and becoming the home to various greenhouse gasses. This emission causes our atmosphere to be heated up more than necessary.

Moreover, the unavailability of adequate plants causes a lack of oxygen, disrupting natural harmony. As an effect of such a series of events, the ice caps in the Polar Regions melt abundantly, causing an immense rise in sea level, which becomes a life-endangering threat for low-lying countries like our Maldives. Unlike the highly-developed countries, many other countries do not possess the privilege of building dams or barriers surrounding their lands to protect themselves from rising sea levels.

The impact of climate change

This climate change is not only a concerning topic for small states but also for the industrially developed ones like the United States, United Kingdom, and India, which contain many low-lying regions. Just a drowning of a single state would stir up the equilibrium of the whole state, potentially affecting the neighboring states as well. In addition, it will cost us many lives, and the country's stability will be disrupted as there will be a lack of proper habitation, economic disturbance, disordered national security, and whatnot!

The only solution to climate change

All of you now understand why climate change is such an alarming issue. As per many of the thoughts, it is not something we can rectify or solve over the night. It will take an extended period, years after years, for a climate to change. Hence, it will cost us much time and hard work to retrieve the essence of nature. Therefore, I would like to request you make this miracle happen. If we all can put up our minds to something, no such thing in the world can stop us from achieving what we desire because 'United we stand, Divided we fall.' Though it will be a long run, it will be too late if we do not come forward now. Therefore, it is high time that we grabbed this opportunity to prove how strong we are as a whole.

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