The Downfall of Bangladesh Football

The football craze in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country with a rich history of football. The craze for football occurs every four years in Bangladesh during the FIFA World Cup. This excitement for the World Cup proves how madly they love football. This is undoubtedly not a recently discovered enthusiasm. Instead, it is a long-held football practice in Bangladesh. Their passion is to the point that they lift the flags of their favorite teams on housetops and participate in severe contentions about their teams, similar to what they do during matches of the country's two arch-rivals of the domestic league - Abahani and Mohammedan. The people of Bangladesh undoubtedly love football, and their passion for the game is evident in everything they do.

No more glory in the domestic league of football for Bangladesh

The domestic league in Bangladesh was once the pride of the country. From the early days of independence to the early 2000s, football was a hugely popular sport in Bangladesh. However, the last few years have seen a sharp decline in interest in the domestic league. This is largely due to the corruption and dirty politics that have plagued Bangladeshi football for many years. As a result, many people have lost faith in the ability of the domestic league to provide entertaining and competitive football. However, there are still many die-hard fans who continue to support their teams through thick and thin. Hopefully, one day the domestic league will be able to recapture its former glory and provide fans with the entertaining football they crave.

Bangladesh Football team issues

Bangladesh football team falls behind in SAFF Championship.

Bangladesh was once a powerhouse in football, competing against some of the best teams in the SAFF Championship. However, in recent years, the national team has fallen behind its rivals, losing badly to teams they once dominated. This decline is a cause for great sadness among football fans in Bangladesh, who watch as their beloved team gets trashed by its opponents. While the team still has some talented players, it is clear that they are no longer able to compete at the highest level. This is a great shame for a country once proud of its footballing heritage.

No homegrown framework of football in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's lack of a homegrown framework for football has had a detrimental effect on the quality of the sport in the country. The local talent pool has grown increasingly depleted without a system to identify and develop talented players. As a result, the national team has suffered tremendously, currently languishing in producing standard football. This is a significant problem for Bangladesh, as football is one of the most popular sports in the country. If the quality does not improve, interest will likely decline, leading to even further problems for Bangladeshi football. Therefore, something must be done to improve the country's football infrastructure to give Bangladesh's footballers a chance to compete on the international stage.

Bangladesh's football team cannot expect to succeed in today's fiercely competitive globe without a highly active local football structure. The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) should be reorganized to develop a workflow for nurturing local football talent from the grassroots level. Moreover, the current state of Bangladeshi football requires new blood. Personnel passionate about the game and with the expertise to build a competitive team should be brought in to run the BFF. Only then can Bangladesh hope to see an improvement in its national team's performance.

Jamal Bhuyan - the down fall of Bangladesh football team

The consequences of not organizing football events in Bangladesh

Football is one of the most popular sports in Bangladesh. The game is played across the country at all levels of society. However, despite its popularity, Bangladesh has no organized football league. As a result, the sport is not given the same level of attention as other sports, such as cricket and hockey. This lack of organization has several consequences:

  1. It limits the development of young players. Without a structured system in place, talented youngsters have no opportunity to progress to the top level.

  2. It reduces the level of competition in the sport. Without regular fixtures, teams quickly become rusty and lose their match sharpness.

  3. It hampers the growth of football as a spectator sport.

There is little reason for fans to watch football games without a professional league. In conclusion, Bangladeshi football is not well organized, hurting the sport's growth.

Swapnil Mazumder

Swapnil Mazumder is a student of CSE at Brac University. From a very young age, he grew a keen interest in football. He played many inter-school tournaments for his school. Apart from playing, he was always curious to know what was happening around the country regarding the game. This curiosity led him to start writing about football.


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