Quantum Computers: The Future of Technology

Get rid of outdated PCs because the future technology is already here. It is not virtual reality, living robots, or even flying cars. It is a quantum computer. Machines that draw their inspiration from quantum physics and use quantum computing to run and operate are known as quantum computers.

Quantum computers have the potential to dramatically transform every part of our civilization, starting from economics to healthcare, research and education, and even national security. Buckle up, and let us take a journey around the world of quantum computers.

What is a quantum computer?

To begin with, a quantum computer is a computer that uses quantum logic. It performs quantum computations using quantum mechanics. Consider a quantum computer, a highly efficient version of our regular computers, where regular computers work with individual bits and quantum computers use qubits to function. The bits of a regular computer can only be one or zero, but not both. On the other hand, qubits can represent both a one and a zero at the same time. This helps quantum computers look at many variables and run faster than normal computers.

How is it different from a supercomputer?

Like supercomputers, quantum computers are expected to excel at a particular task rather than replace our desktop computers and laptops. Quantum computers outperform supercomputers in terms of efficiency because they use the power of quantum mechanics to do calculations. When a supercomputer solves a problem, it must go through all conceivable solutions one at a time. In the meantime, a quantum computer can filter through over one billion possible solutions in a fraction of a second to identify the correct one. In 2020, China claimed to have developed a quantum computer that performs computations 100 trillion times faster than any supercomputer.

Is it possible to make a quantum computer?

Currently, the consensus is that building one is possible but highly challenging. There may be thousands of people in a lab working on building them now. However, a full-scale computer has not yet been constructed. However, essential parts, such as individual gates, have already been demonstrated. In some cases, whether quantum computers will outperform ordinary computers in speed is still debatable. Although quantum computers are theoretically much faster at handling specific types of problems, scaling them up to the point where they can compete with regular computers is a huge hurdle for engineers.

Would it be beneficial for us, or is it just the hype?

Quantum computers have the potential to provide processing power on a level that regular computers will never be able to match. A calculation that would take a supercomputer 10,000 years to complete was said to be completed in approximately 200 seconds by Google's quantum computer in 2019. Quantum computers can be immensely beneficial in the world of cryptography, as they can produce completely random numbers so quickly. Additionally, it can be applied to strengthen security protocols. The power and ability to calculate and analyze so much data quickly would improve our chances of finding new medicines and cures for deadly diseases. Through it, complex issues can be solved. Even a supercomputer finds it challenging to solve more complex problems. Typically, a computer fails due to high complexity and numerous interacting variables. However, quantum computers can take in all of these complexities and variables to find a solution with the ideas of superposition and entanglement. A quantum computer can theoretically simulate a wide range of complex systems because of the speed and complexity of quantum computing, helping us better comprehend some of life’s greatest mysteries.

Can quantum computers replace our daily life computers?

In theory, yes, it is possible. The correspondence principle of quantum mechanics, proposed by Niels Bohr in 1920, states that, under the right circumstances, quantum systems emulate classical systems. This follows the intuition that all macro-classical systems are quantum when seen at the microscale. Even though it is theoretically possible that quantum computers can replace normal computers, why would we do so? Due to the apparent limitations of quantum machines, it is possible that this will not happen. Quantum computers must be kept in a freezing place (close to -273.15 degrees Celsius) to run correctly. The average user does not have such a powerful refrigerator at home. They also do not have the enormous amount of energy that a quantum computer needs to function. The nature of qubits will make it difficult. More qubits will cause more errors, as qubits are incredibly tough to maintain. Moreover, classical computers have been developed for many years, and it is clear that quantum computing is still in its infancy. Our regular computers are more optimized and stable than quantum computers will be.

What are the obstacles we are facing in creating a quantum computer?

Ultimately, a quantum computer is designed to take advantage of physical phenomena that are only meaningful at tiny scales and are easily disrupted by even the slightest interactions with the environment, like thermal noise. As a result, a quantum computer's qubits are implemented using exotic technologies, such as individual atoms in "atom traps" that are kept at a temperature just above absolute zero, approximately −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale. Therefore, it is pretty challenging to apply that to real-life scenarios, and for the computer to function correctly, it must also be placed in an icy environment. Quantum computers require complete isolation from heat and vibration because they are susceptible. Quantum effects occur mainly at the nanoscale, which necessitates the use of sophisticated equipment. Thermal noise in superconducting qubits must be suppressed at shallow temperatures. Quantum optics require measurements that are sensitive to individual photons. To use ion traps, electrodynamic fields must be carefully set up. Next, a small number of cesium and magnesium ions must be loaded into the trap. Even though liquid NMR appears to be the most viable technology for compact quantum computers, it requires precisely-tuned radio-frequency pulses.

How can quantum computers change the world?

Quantum computing will have an impact across all industries. There are various ways in which quantum computers can be helpful to society, including making smarter investment decisions, developing drugs and vaccines faster, and revolutionizing transportation.

Though the machines on your desk are unlikely to be replaced anytime soon, we can see a future in which fields such as artificial intelligence, drug manufacturing, security, research, and transportation are expected to significantly benefit from the assistance of quantum computers. To develop an effective medicine, scientists must analyze the interactions between atoms and proteins. Because of the large number of possible combinations that need to be looked at, this costs so much money, labor, and time. However, quantum computers can examine lots of data at once, allowing chemists to do their job much faster. When quantum computers are widely used, internet security will have both good and terrible consequences. Both creating and breaking highly secure servers and accounts will be easier. In addition, quantum computers are especially suitable for data processing. It can analyze massive amounts of information to give AI robots the feedback they need to boost their performance and enhance machine learning. Moreover, countless other remarkable things will be possible in a world with quantum computers.

To summarize, quantum computers present a promising future with the appropriate blend of computer science and physics. If we can start producing them commercially, I believe I can state without a doubt that they will usher in a new age in science.

Navid Nahiyan

Navid Nahiyan is a technophile and a Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) student at BRAC University. He was born and raised in Dhaka and completed his HSC from BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. Being an introvert, he prefers to spend his leisure time at home listening to music, but he also enjoys playing football with his buddies outside. The author loves science and technology and hopes to work at Google as a software developer one day.


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