Mumble about Memes: A Look at the Quirky World of Internet Humour

The article below contains serious issues that can make you bored. (Lol, I am kidding.) Why should a severe issue make you feel bored, pal? Please do not go away.

Memes, huh? Those quirky little nuggets of internet culture that can make us laugh, spark heated debates, and even influence what people think. They are everywhere, from your Facebook feed to Twitter threads, lurking in chatrooms and adorning coffee mugs. But have you ever stopped to ponder the deeper meaning behind these seemingly nonsensical images and catchphrases?

The Curious Case of the Meme

The word “meme” has been around for a while, even before the internet. It was created by Richard Dawkins, a biologist, in 1976. Originally, it was used to describe how cultural ideas, like fashion trends or religious beliefs, spread and evolve over time, much like genes do in biological evolution. Then, when the internet came, the term took on a new meaning. It became the way people on the internet shared funny jokes, opinions, and just plain weirdness.

The Many Faces of a Meme

Memes can take many forms, from grumpy cats to doge to that adorable dancing baby. They come in all shapes and sizes - pictures, videos, words, GIFs - you name it, there is a meme for it. And the coolest thing? They are always changing and transforming into new forms, almost like they are a shape-shifting creature on the internet.

Why Memes Make Us Laugh

Well, it is all about the element of surprise. We are not anticipating to come across a moody cat in an old painting, or a dog wearing a hat and talking about existential philosophy. It is unexpected and catches us off guard, which leads to that delightful feeling of “huh?” before we burst into laughter. Furthermore, there is a sense of belonging to the online community when we understand a meme – it is like having a secret code to communicate with the internet, confirming that you belong to the online community. It is a shared understanding and a subtle gesture bridging the gap in the digital world.

The Power of the Meme

Memes are not just about entertainment. They can be powerful tools for social commentary and satire. They can raise awareness about important issues, spark conversations, and even challenge the status quo. You might remember the “Hope Girl” meme from when Obama was running for president in 2008 - that was a powerful example of using a meme to make a point. Another one is the “Distracted Boyfriend” meme, which was used to show how women often get treated unfairly compared to men. Memes have a lot of power and can make a real difference.

The Dark Side of the Meme

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. Not all memes are the same. Some can be offensive, spread harmful stereotypes, or even be used to bully people online. It is crucial to to be mindful of the message behind the meme and the potential impact it might have.

Where Memes Go From Here

As technology and social media keep advancing, memes will also evolve. In the future, we can expect even more exciting and immersive experiences with memes, thanks to virtual reality and augmented reality. There is even a chance that AI and machine learning will start creating their own memes. Just think about it – a world where robots are telling jokes with punchlines straight out of a video game. How amazing would that be?

The Final Mumble

So, next time you encounter a meme, take a moment to appreciate its weirdness, its wit, and its power to connect us all in a shared love for the absurd. Sure, they might be silly, sometimes offensive, and often nonsensical, but that is what makes them so darn fascinating. In a world that tends to be overly serious, memes provide a much-needed dose of laughter and serve as a reminder that embracing the nonsensical is often the best way to navigate the intricacies of life.

Md. Ashfaqul Awal

Md. Ashfaqul Awal is a student at Brac University of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). He is an ambivert and is not sure about what he wants to do with his life. He likes to read books and write stories, poems, and songs. He also likes to learn how to code, make animations, and answer questions on Quora. His most recent philosophical interests include the following: What exactly is morality? What if you were the very last person in the universe? Would you want to live forever if you could? What exactly is anti-nationalism? What if everyone on the planet had the same skin tone? He likes surrealism and weird comedies from TV shows like “Family Guy." His favorite quote is “I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"—probably from Voltaire.


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